\name{plgem.pValue} \alias{plgem.pValue} \title{Computation of PLGEM p-values} \description{ This function computes p-values for observed PLGEM signal-to-noise ratio (STN) values (typically obtained via a call to \code{\link{plgem.obsStn}}) from resampled STN values (typically obtained via a call to \code{\link{plgem.resampledStn}}). } \usage{ plgem.pValue(observedStn, plgemResampledStn, verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{observedStn}{\code{list} containing a \code{matrix} of observed PLGEM-STN values; output of function \code{\link{plgem.obsStn}}.} \item{plgemResampledStn}{\code{list} containing a \code{matrix} of resampled PLGEM-STN values; output of function \code{\link{plgem.resampledStn}}.} \item{verbose}{\code{logical}; if \code{TRUE}, comments are printed out while running.} } \details{ The p-value of each given observed STN value is computed based on the quantile that the given value occupies in the corresponding distribution of resampled PLGEM-STN values, based on the following relationship: \deqn{P=min(2*quantile, 2*(1-quantile))}{% p-value = min(2*quantile, 2*(1-quantile))} } \value{ A \code{matrix} with the same \code{\link{dim}}ensions and \code{\link{dimnames}} as the input \code{observedStn$PLGEM.STN}, where each entry represents the p-value of the corresponding observed PLGEM-STN value. } \references{ Pavelka N, Pelizzola M, Vizzardelli C, Capozzoli M, Splendiani A, Granucci F, Ricciardi-Castagnoli P. A power law global error model for the identification of differentially expressed genes in microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics. 2004 Dec 17; 5:203; \url{http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/5/203}. Pavelka N, Fournier ML, Swanson SK, Pelizzola M, Ricciardi-Castagnoli P, Florens L, Washburn MP. Statistical similarities between transcriptomics and quantitative shotgun proteomics data. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2008 Apr; 7(4):631-44; \url{http://www.mcponline.org/cgi/content/abstract/7/4/631}. } \author{ Mattia Pelizzola \email{mattia.pelizzola@gmail.com} Norman Pavelka \email{nxp@stowers.org} } \seealso{ \code{\link{plgem.fit}}, \code{\link{plgem.obsStn}}, \code{\link{plgem.resampledStn}}, \code{\link{plgem.deg}}, \code{\link{run.plgem}} } \examples{ data(LPSeset) LPSfit <- plgem.fit(data=LPSeset) LPSobsStn <- plgem.obsStn(data=LPSeset, plgemFit=LPSfit) head(LPSobsStn[["PLGEM.STN"]]) set.seed(123) LPSresampledStn <- plgem.resampledStn(data=LPSeset, plgemFit=LPSfit) LPSpValues <- plgem.pValue(LPSobsStn, LPSresampledStn) head(LPSpValues) } \keyword{models}