\name{drawVolcanoPlot} \alias{drawVolcanoPlot} \title{Draw a volcano plot} \description{ \code{drawVolcanoPlot} plots a volcano plot scattering the M values (log2 ratio) on the x axis against the p value (-log10 the p value). } \usage{ drawVolcanoPlot(M,p,m=1,p.cut=0.05,p.transform=log10,ylab=NULL,colramp=NULL,na.rm=TRUE,...) } \arguments{ \item{M}{The M values.} \item{p}{The test statistics (usually p values).} \item{m}{Where vertical lines should be drawn. By default two horizontal lines (at M=1 and M=-1) are added to the plot. Submit m=NA if none should be drawn.} \item{p.cut}{For what p value a horizontal line should be added to the plot (by default for a p value of p=0.05). Specify p.cut=NA if no line should be drawn.} \item{p.transform}{The function that should be applied to the p values. By default \code{-log10}. Note a \code{-} is added to each function submitted here.} \item{ylab}{The label for the y axis. By default \code{-log10(p)}} \item{colramp}{A color ramp (set of colors) that should be used to code the local point density.} \item{na.rm}{If NA values should be removed.} \item{...}{Additional parameters for the plot function.} } \details{ This function plots M values against test statistics. A horizontal line for a specific p value (by default 0.05) is added as well as vertical lines for a specific M value (by default 1 and -1). The data points can be colored according to the local point density by specifying a specific color ramp (e.g. \code{colramp=topo.colors}). } \references{} \author{Johannes Rainer} %\seealso{ % \code{\link{densCols}} %} \keyword{data}