\name{Tu102} \alias{Tu102} \alias{Tu98} \alias{NC1} \alias{NC2} \docType{data} \title{Raw data for several SAGE libraries from the Zhang 1997 Science paper.} \description{ SAGE dataset for 2 tumour samples, 2 normal samples. } \usage{data(Tu102)} \format{ Data frames with 22713, 18794, 16270 and 17703 observations (for Tu102, Tu98, NC2, NC1, respectively) on the following 2 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{Tag_Sequence}}{a character vector} \item{\code{Count}}{a numeric vector} } } \source{ Zhang et al. (1997) \emph{Gene Expression Profiles in Normal and Cancer Cells}. Science, 276, 1268-72. } \keyword{datasets}