\name{listMarts} \alias{listMarts} \title{lists the avilable BioMart databases} \description{This function returns a list of BioMart databases to which biomaRt can connect to. By default all public BioMart databases are displayed. To establish a connection use the useMart function.} \usage{listMarts(mart, host="www.biomart.org", path="/biomart/martservice", port=80, includeHosts = FALSE, archive=FALSE, user, password,mysql=FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{mart}{mart object created with the useMart function} \item{host}{host to connect to if different then www.biomart.org} \item{path}{path to martservice that should be pasted behind the host to get to web service URL} \item{port}{port to use in HTTP communication} \item{includeHosts}{boolean to indicate if function should return host of the BioMart databases} \item{archive}{Boolean to indicate if you want to access archived versions of BioMart database} \item{user}{MySQL access is no longer available through this package} \item{password}{MySQL access is no longer available through this package} \item{mysql}{MySQL access is no longer available through this package. All queries can be made through the web service mode. use mysql=FALSE} } \author{Steffen Durinck, \url{http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~steffen}} \seealso{} \examples{ if(interactive()){ listMarts() } } \keyword{methods}