\name{HULK} \alias{HULK} \title{HULK - Bead Array Normalization by NEighbourhood Residuals} \description{ Normalizes an probe intensities by calculating a weighted average residual based on the residuals of the surrounding probes. } \usage{ HULK(BLData, array, neighbours = NULL, invasions = 20, what = "G") } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{\code{\link{BeadLevelList}}} \item{array}{integer specifying which strip/array to plot} \item{neighbours}{A Neighbours matrix. Optional - if left NULL, it will be computed.} \item{invasions}{Integer - Number of invasions used when identifying neighbouring beads.} \item{what}{Specify the data in the BLData to create the residuals from. Defaults to the foreground intensities of the green channel.} } \details{ HULK is a method of intensity normalization based upon the BASH framework. Firstly For each bead a local neighbourhood of beads is determined, using the same process as the other BASH functions. For each bead a weighted average residual is calculated. The average residual is calculated as the sum of the residuals for each bead in the neighbourhood, divided by 1 plus the number of invasions it took to reach that bead. This calculation is made by a call to \code{\link{HULKResids}}. The average residuals are then subtracted from each bead and the resulting \code{\link{BeadLevelList}} object is returned. } \value{ An object of class \code{BeadLevelList} } \author{Mike Smith} \seealso{\code{\link{HULKResids}}, \code{\link{BASH}}} \examples{ data(BLData) o <- HULK(BLData, 1) } \references{ Cairns JM, Dunning MJ, Ritchie ME, Russell R, Lynch AG. (2008). BASH: a tool for managing BeadArray spatial artefacts. Bioinformatics, 24(24):2921-2. } \keyword{misc}