\name{houtSel} \alias{houtSel} \alias{houtAll} \alias{houtSplit} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Internal functions for hyperGoutput} \description{ These functions are internal functions for \code{hyperGoutput} and are not intended to be called directly by the end user. } \usage{ houtSel(tab, eset, fit, comp, statistics, html, text) houtAll(tab, eset, fit, comp, statistics, html, text) houtSplit(tab, eset, fit, comp, statistics, html, text) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{tab}{ A \code{data.frame}, resulting from a call to \code{\link[GOstats]{probeSetSummary}}} \item{eset}{An \code{link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}} object} \item{fit}{An \code{\link[limma]{MArrayLM}} object, resulting from a call to \code{\link[limma]{eBayes}}} \item{comp}{Numeric vector of length one, designating which comparison to select from the \code{\link[limma]{MArrayLM}} object} \item{statistics}{Any or all of 'tstat', 'pval', 'FC', used to control the output of statistics from the \code{\link[limma]{MArrayLM}} object} \item{html}{Boolean. Output HTML tables? Defaults to \code{TRUE}} \item{text}{Boolean. Output text tables? Defaults to \code{TRUE}} } \details{ These functions control the output and ordering of the probesets for the \code{hyperGoutput} function. } \value{ Nothing is returned. These functions are called solely for their side effect, the output of HTML and/or text tables. } \author{ James W. MacDonald } \keyword{internal }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line