\name{extractStats} \alias{extractStats} \title{Extract Statistics from an MArrayLM object} \description{ This is a utility function that can be used to extract the statistics for a set of probesets from an \code{\link[limma]{MArrayLM}} object. This may be useful for others, but currently is considered an internal function and is not intended to be called by end users. } \usage{ extractStats(prbs, fit, comp, statistics) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{prbs}{ A vector of probe IDs} \item{fit}{An \code{\link[limma]{MArrayLM}} object} \item{comp}{Numeric vector of length one, designating which comparison to select from the \code{\link[limma]{MArrayLM}} object} \item{statistics}{Any or all of 'tstat', 'pval', 'FC', used to control the output of statistics from the \code{\link[limma]{MArrayLM}} object} } \details{ This is an internal function used to return a named list of statistics, which can then be passed to \code{probes2table} for creating HTML and/or text tables. } \value{ A named list that can have up to three vectors of statistics. } \author{James W. MacDonald } \keyword{ internal}