\name{readCdfHeader} \alias{readCdfHeader} \title{Reads the header associated with an Affymetrix CDF file} \description{ Reads the header of an Affymetrix CDF file using the Fusion SDK. } \usage{ readCdfHeader(filename) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{name of the CDF file.} } \value{ A named list with the following components: \item{rows}{the number of rows on the chip.} \item{cols}{the number of columns on the chip.} \item{probesets}{the number of probesets on the chip.} \item{qcprobesets}{the number of QC probesets on the chip.} \item{reference}{the reference sequence (this component only exists for resequencing chips).} \item{chiptype}{the type of the chip.} \item{filename}{the name of the cdf file.} } \examples{ for (zzz in 0) { # Find any CDF file cdfFile <- findCdf() if (is.null(cdfFile)) break header <- readCdfHeader(cdfFile) print(header) } # for (zzz in 0) } \author{ James Bullard, \email{bullard@stat.berkeley.edu} and Kasper Daniel Hansen, \email{khansen@stat.berkeley.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link{readCdfUnits}()}. } \references{} \keyword{file} \keyword{IO}