\name{readBpmap} \alias{readBpmap} \alias{readBpmapHeader} \alias{readBpmapSeqinfo} \title{Parses a Bpmap file} \description{ Parses (parts of) a Bpmap (binary probe mapping) file from Affymetrix. } \usage{ readBpmap(filename, seqIndices = NULL, readProbeSeq = TRUE, readSeqInfo = TRUE, readPMXY = TRUE, readMMXY = TRUE, readStartPos = TRUE, readCenterPos = FALSE, readStrand = TRUE, readMatchScore = FALSE, readProbeLength = FALSE, verbose = 0) readBpmapHeader(filename) readBpmapSeqinfo(filename, seqIndices = NULL, verbose = 0) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{The filename as a character.} \item{seqIndices}{A vector of integers, detailing the indices of the sequences being read. If \code{NULL}, the entire file is being read.} \item{readProbeSeq}{} \item{readSeqInfo}{Do we read the sequence information (a list containing information such as sequence name, number of hits etc.)} \item{readPMXY}{Do we read the (x,y) coordinates of the PM-probes.} \item{readMMXY}{Do we read the (x,y) coordinates of the MM-probes (only relevant if the file has MM information)} \item{readStartPos}{Do we read the start position of the probes.} \item{readCenterPos}{Do we return the start position of the probes.} \item{readStrand}{Do we return the strand of the hits.} \item{readMatchScore}{Do we return the matchscore.} \item{readProbeLength}{Doe we return the probelength.} \item{verbose}{How verbose do we want to be.} } \details{ \code{readBpmap} reads a BPMAP file, which is a binary file containing information about a given probe's location in a sequence. Here sequence means some kind of reference sequence, typically a chromosome or a scaffold. \code{readBpmapHeader} reads the header of the BPMAP file, and \code{readBpmapSeqinfo} reads the sequence info of the sequences (so this function is merely a convinience function). } \value{ For \code{readBpmap}: A list of lists, one list for every sequence read. The components of the sequence lists, depends on the argument of the function call. For \code{readBpmapheader} a list with two components \code{version} and \code{numSequences}. For \code{readBpmapSeqinfo} a list of lists containing the sequence info. } \references{} \author{Kasper Daniel Hansen } \note{ } \seealso{\code{\link{tpmap2bpmap}} for information on how to write Bpmap files.} \examples{ } \keyword{file} \keyword{IO}