\name{calculatePosteriorAvg} \alias{calculatePosteriorAvg} \title{Calculate the posterior average for indicators of concordant and discordant differential expression} \description{ This function calculates the posterior average for indicators of concordant and discordant differential expression from the saved log files. See details. } \usage{ calculatePosteriorAvg(object, NCONC=2, NDIFF=1) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ Object of class \code{XdeMcmc}} \item{NCONC}{Integer: number of studies for which the gene must be differentially expressed (in the same direction) to be classified as concordant differential expression} \item{NDIFF}{Integer: number of studies for which a gene must be up- or down-regulated to be classified as differentially expressed. It is the union of concordant and discordant differential expression.} } \details{ For each iteration, 1. calculate the sign of delta * Delta 2. For each gene, compute the number of positive signs (P) and the number of negative signs (N) (a G x 2 matrix, where G is the number of genes in common across all studies). P + N is <= S, where S is the number of studies. 3. for a given gene, the discordant indicator is simply when P * N is nonzero. 4. The concordant indicator requires P * N = 0 AND P + N >= NCONC, where NCONC is specified by the user. 5. differential expression is simply | P | + | N | >= NDIFF. By default, NDIFF is 1 but can be user-specified. The posterior average is then computed from the mean over all MCMC iterations. } \value{ A G x 3 matrix. } \author{RS} \seealso{\code{\link{posteriorAvg}}} \keyword{manip}