\name{qa} \alias{qa} \alias{qa,character-method} \title{Perform quality assessment on short reads} \description{ This function is a common interface to quality assessment functions available in \code{ShortRead}. Results from this function may be displayed in brief, or integrated into reports using, e.g., \code{\link{report}}. } \usage{ qa(dirPath, ...) } \arguments{ \item{dirPath}{A character vector or other object (e.g., \code{\link{SolexaPath}}; see \code{showMethods}, below) locating the data for which quality assessment is to be performed. See help pages for defined methods (by evaluating the example code, below) for details of available methods.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments used by methods.} } \details{ The following methods are defined: \itemize{ \item{ \code{dirPath="character", pattern="character", type=c("SolexaExport", "Bowtie", "MAQMapShort", "fastq"), ...}}{ Quality assessment is performed on all files in directory \code{dirPath} whose file name matches \code{pattern}. The type of analysis performed is based on the \code{type} argument. Use \code{SolexaExport} when all files matching \code{pattern} are Solexa \code{_export.txt} files. Use \code{Bowtie} for Bowtie files. Use \code{MAQMapShort} for MAQ \code{map} files produced by MAQ versions below 0.70, and \code{fastq} for collections of fastq-format files. Quality assessment details vary depending on data source. } } } \value{ An object derived from class \code{\linkS4class{.QA}} } \author{Martin Morgan } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{.QA}}, \code{\linkS4class{SolexaExportQA}} \code{\linkS4class{MAQMapQA}} \code{\linkS4class{FastqQA}} } \examples{ showMethods("qa") } \keyword{manip}