\name{dustyScore} \alias{dustyScore} \alias{dustyScore,DNAStringSet-method} \alias{dustyScore,ShortRead-method} \title{Summarize low-complexity sequences} \description{ \code{dustyScore} identifies low-complexity sequences, in a manner inspired by the \code{dust} implementation in \code{BLAST}. } \usage{ dustyScore(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A \code{DNAStringSet} object, or object derived from \code{ShortRead}, containing a collection of reads to be summarized.} \item{...}{Additional arguments, not currently used.} } \details{ The following methods are defined: \describe{ \item{dustyScore}{\code{signature(x = "DNAStringSet")}: operating on an object derived from class \code{DNAStringSet}.} \item{dustyScore}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead")}: operating on the \code{sread} of an object derived from class \code{ShortRead}.} } The dust-like calculations used here are as implemented at \url{https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioc-sig-sequencing/2009-February/000170.html}. Scores range from 0 (all triplets unique) to the square of the width of the longest sequence (poly-A, -C, -G, or -T). } \value{ A vector of numeric scores, with length equal to the length of \code{x}. } \references{ Morgulis, Getz, Schaffer and Agarwala, 2006. WindowMasker: window-based masker for sequenced genomes, Bioinformatics 22: 134-141. } \seealso{ The WindowMasker supplement defining \code{dust} \url{ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/agarwala/windowmasker/windowmasker_suppl.pdf} } \author{Herve Pages (code); Martin Morgan} \examples{ sp <- SolexaPath(system.file('extdata', package='ShortRead')) rfq <- readFastq(analysisPath(sp), pattern="s_1_sequence.txt") range(dustyScore(rfq)) } \keyword{manip}