\name{ShortRead-class} \docType{class} \alias{ShortRead-class} \alias{ShortRead} \alias{ShortRead,DNAStringSet,BStringSet-method} \alias{ShortRead,DNAStringSet,missing-method} \alias{ShortRead,missing,missing-method} \alias{srrank,ShortRead-method} \alias{srorder,ShortRead-method} \alias{srsort,ShortRead-method} \alias{srduplicated,ShortRead-method} \alias{srdistance,ShortRead,ANY-method} \alias{trimLRPatterns,ShortRead-method} \alias{alphabetByCycle,ShortRead-method} \alias{tables,ShortRead-method} \alias{clean,ShortRead-method} \alias{[,ShortRead,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[,ShortRead,ANY,missing-method} \alias{[,ShortRead,missing,ANY-method} \alias{[,ShortRead,missing,missing-method} \alias{[,ShortRead,missing,missing,ANY-method} \alias{[,ShortRead,missing,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[,ShortRead,ANY,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[,ShortRead,ANY,missing,ANY-method} \alias{append,ShortRead,ShortRead,missing-method} \alias{narrow,ShortRead-method} \alias{detail,ShortRead-method} \alias{length,ShortRead-method} \alias{show,ShortRead-method} \alias{width,ShortRead-method} \title{"ShortRead" class for short reads} \description{ This class provides a way to store and manipulate, in a coordinated fashion, uniform-length short reads and their identifiers. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects from this class are created by \code{readFasta}, or by calls to the constructor \code{ShortRead}, as outlined below. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{sread}:}{Object of class \code{"DNAStringSet"} containing IUPAC-standard, uniform-length DNA strings represent short sequence reads.} \item{\code{id}:}{Object of class \code{"BStringSet"} containing identifiers, one for each short read.} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{.ShortReadBase}"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ Constructors include: \describe{ \item{ShortRead}{\code{signature(sread = "DNAStringSet", id = "BStringSet")}: Create a \code{ShortRead} object from reads and their identifiers. The length of \code{id} must match that of \code{sread}.} \item{ShortRead}{\code{signature(sread = "DNAStringSet", id = "missing")}: Create a \code{ShortRead} object from reads, creating empty identifiers.} \item{ShortRead}{\code{signature(sread = "missing", id = "missing", ...)}: Create an empty \code{ShortRead} object.} } See \code{\link{accessors}} for slot accessor functions. \describe{ \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead", i = "ANY", j = "missing")}: This method creates a new \code{ShortRead} object containing only those reads indexed by \code{i}. Additional methods on \sQuote{[,ShortRead} do not provide additional functionality, but are present to limit inappropriate use.} \item{append}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead", values = "ShortRead", length = "missing")}: append the \code{sread} and \code{id} slots of \code{values} after the corresponding fields of \code{x}.} \item{narrow}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead", start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, use.names = TRUE)}: \sQuote{narrow} \code{sread} so that sequences are between \code{start} and \code{end} bases, according to \code{\link[IRanges:IRanges-utils]{narrow}} in the \code{IRanges} package. } \item{length}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead")}: returns a \code{integer(1)} vector describing the number of reads in this object.} \item{width}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead")}: returns an \code{integer()} vector of the widths of each read in this object.} \item{srorder}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead")}:} \item{srrank}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead")}:} \item{srsort}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead")}:} \item{srduplicated}{\code{signature(x = "ShortRead")}: Order, rank, sort, and find duplicates in \code{ShortRead} objects based on \code{sread(x)}, analogous to the corresponding functions \code{order}, \code{rank}, \code{sort}, and \code{duplicated}, ordering nucleotides in the order \code{ACGT}.} \item{srdistance}{\code{signature(pattern="ShortRead", subject="ANY")}: Find the edit distance between each read in \code{pattern} and the (short) sequences in \code{subject}. See \code{\link{srdistance}} for allowable values for \code{subject}, and for additional details.} \item{trimLRPatterns}{\code{signature(Lpattern = "", Rpattern = "", subject = "ShortRead", max.Lmismatch = 0, max.Rmismatch = 0, with.Lindels = FALSE, with.Rindels = FALSE, Lfixed = TRUE, Rfixed = TRUE, ranges = FALSE)}: Remove left and / or right flanking patterns from \code{sread(subject)}, as described in \code{\link[Biostrings:trimLRPatterns]{trimLRPatterns}}. Classes derived from \code{ShortRead} (e.g., \code{\link{ShortReadQ}}, \code{\link{AlignedRead}}) have corresponding base quality scores trimmed, too. A user-supplied argument \code{ranges} is ignored by this method; the class of the return object is the same as the class of \code{subject}.} \item{alphabetByCycle}{\code{signature(stringSet = "ShortRead")}: Apply \code{\link{alphabetByCycle}} to the \code{sread} component of \code{stringSet}, returning a matrix as described in \code{\link{alphabetByCycle}}.} \item{tables}{\code{signature(x= "ShortRead", n = 50)}: Apply \code{\link{tables}} to the \code{sread} component of \code{x}, returning a list summarizing frequency of reads in \code{x}.} \item{clean}{\code{signature(object="ShortRead")}: Remove all reads containing non-nucleotide (\code{"N", "-"}) symbols.} \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "ShortRead")}: provides a brief summary of the object, including its class, length and width.} \item{detail}{\code{signature(object = "ShortRead")}: provides a more extensive summary of this object, displaying the first and last entries of \code{sread} and \code{id}.} } } \author{Martin Morgan} \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{ShortReadQ}} } \examples{ showClass("ShortRead") showMethods(class="ShortRead") } \keyword{classes}