\name{R2mim} \alias{R2mim} \title{Output a script file to WinMIM} \description{Given a candidate probe, it produces a script file for WinMIM by calculating means and covariances and for the N most highly correlated probes (in absolute value). Here N is an input parameter, but a recommended value 10. WinMIM can find a relevant graphical model for the dependencies between the probes.} \usage{ R2mim(probe="12345_at", N=10, data=inm, out="u:\\\study\\\copd\\\mimscr.txt") } \arguments{ \item{probe}{The name of the candidate probe} \item{N}{The number of highly correlated probes to be studied} \item{data}{The input data set} \item{out}{The MIM script file} } \value{ The correlation matrix } \author{Per Broberg} \note{David Edwards' program WinMIM can be found on StatLib (\url{http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/graphmod/}). In MIM issue \code{input mimscr.txt} and the calculations to find a model will start. When finished go to the Graphics menu and click on \code{Independence Graph}. The resulting graph can be exported both to WMF and LaTeX.} \references{ Edwards, David (1995) \emph{Introduction to Graphical Modelling}. Springer-Verlag \cr Lauritzen, Steffen (1996) \emph{Graphical Models}. Oxford University Press \cr Whittaker, Joe (1990) \emph{Graphical Models in Multivariate Analysis}. Wiley } \keyword{multivariate}