\name{R2BASE} \alias{R2BASE} \title{Produces a BASE file} \description{The function produces a BASE file for import to Gene Data Viewer.} \usage{R2BASE(context.data = clingen, sample.ids = AZID, expression.data = dats, annotation = annots, out = "u:\\\temp\\\temp.base")} \arguments{ \item{context.data}{e.g. a clinical database} \item{sample.ids}{Sample Ids, that names the columns of the expression data.} \item{expression.data}{a matrix with the gene expression data, samples correspond to columns and probesets to rows. It is assumed that probeset identifiers are found in the first column.} \item{annotation}{annotations of the probesets, i.e. the rows in the expression.data. It is assumed that probeset identifiers are found in the first column.} \item{out}{the output file including path} } \author{Per Broberg} \value{The file produced complies with an old BASE format. However, none of these formats are documented , as far as I know. So, essentially this function defines a data format that can be read by e.g. Gene Data Viewer.} \keyword{models}