\name{exportCherList} \alias{exportCherList} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Function to export cherList into a file} \description{ Function to export cherList into a file of gff or BED format. This files can be imported as tracks into genome browsers. } \usage{ exportCherList(object, filename = "chers.gff", format = "gff3", ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of class \code{cherList}} \item{filename}{character; path to file to be written} \item{format}{Format of exported file; currently only "gff3" and "bed" are supported} \item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed on to the \code{trackSet} method} } \details{ First converts the \code{cherList} into an object of class \code{trackSet} from package \pkg{rtracklayer} and then calls the \code{export} method as defined for a \code{trackSet}. } \value{ returns invisible NULL; called for the side effect of writing the file \code{filename}. } \author{Joern Toedling} \seealso{Class \code{trackset} in package \pkg{rtracklayer}} \examples{ \dontrun{ exDir <- system.file("exData",package="Ringo") load(file.path(exDir,"exampleProbeAnno.rda")) load(file.path(exDir,"exampleX.rda")) smoothX <- computeRunningMedians(exampleX, probeAnno=exProbeAnno, modColumn = "Cy5", allChr = "9", winHalfSize = 400) chersX <- findChersOnSmoothed(smoothX, probeAnno=exProbeAnno, thresholds=0.45, allChr="9", distCutOff=600, cellType="human") exportCherList(chersX, file="chers.gff") } } \keyword{IO} \keyword{file} % __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line