\name{rmBaseline} \alias{rmBaseline} \title{Batch Baseline Subtraction.} \description{ Baseline subtraction from each raw spectrum in 'fldr'. } \usage{ rmBaseline(fldr, bseoffrda = NULL, breaks = 200, qntl = 0, method = "loess", bw = 0.1, SpecNames = list.files(fldr, pattern = "\\\.*csv\\\.*")) } \arguments{ \item{fldr}{a path to where the raw spectra are stored} \item{bseoffrda}{ optional; name of the file (with extension .rda) where the baseline-substracted spectra, a matrix with row-names as the m/z values and column-names as the spectrum tags, will be saved to. } \item{breaks}{see bslnoff().} \item{qntl}{see bslnoff().} \item{method}{see bslnoff().} \item{bw}{see bslnoff().} \item{SpecNames}{a vector of character strings as spectrum names.} } \value{ A matrix whose columns correspond to baseline-subtracted spectra with row-names as the m/z values and column-names as the spectrum names. } \author{Xiaochun Li} \seealso{`bslnoff'.} \examples{ testdir <- system.file("Test", package = "PROcess") testM <- rmBaseline(testdir) } \keyword{nonparametric}