\name{report.plot} \alias{report.plot} \alias{report.plot.arrayCGH} \alias{report.plot.default} \title{Array image and a genomic representation of a normalized arrayCGH} \description{Displays an array image and a genomic representation of a normalized arrayCGH.} \usage{ \method{report.plot}{arrayCGH}(arrayCGH, x="PosOrder", y=c("LogRatioNorm", "LogRatio"), chrLim=NULL, layout=TRUE, main=NULL, zlim=NULL, \ldots) \method{report.plot}{default}(spot.data, clone.data, design, x="PosOrder", y=c("LogRatioNorm", "LogRatio"), chrLim=NULL, layout=TRUE, main=NULL, zlim=NULL, \ldots) } \arguments{ \item{arrayCGH}{an object of type \code{arrayCGH}.} \item{spot.data}{data.frame with spot-level information to be passed to arrayPlot.} \item{clone.data}{data.frame with clone-level information to be passed to genome.plot.} \item{design}{vector of length 4 with array design: number of blocks per column and per row, number of columns and rows per block.} \item{x}{a variable name from arrayCGH\$cloneValues giving the order position of the clones along the genome.} \item{y}{a vector of one or two variable names to be plotted on the array and along the genome. The first one is taken from \code{arrayCGH\$arrayValues} and is plotted on the array; the second one (or the first one if only one name was provided) is taken from \code{arrayCGH\$cloneValues} and is plotted along the genome.} \item{chrLim}{an optional variable name from arrayCGH\$cloneValues giving the limits of each chromosome.} \item{layout}{if \code{TRUE}, plot layout is set to a 1*2 matrix with relative column widths 1 and 4.} \item{main}{title for the genomic profile.} \item{zlim}{numeric vector of length 2 to be passed to \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayPlot}}: minimum and maximum signal values for array image display.} \item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{genome.plot}}.} } \details{This function successively calls \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayPlot}} and \code{\link{genome.plot}}.} \seealso{\code{\link[plot]{genome.plot}}, \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayPlot}}, \code{\link{html.report}}} \author{Pierre Neuvial, \email{manor@curie.fr}.} \note{People interested in tools for array-CGH analysis can visit our web-page: \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \examples{ data(spatial) ### edge: local spatial bias ## aggregate arrayCGH without normalization for comparison with ## normalized array edge.nonorm <- norm(edge, flag.list=NULL, FUN=median, na.rm=TRUE) edge.nonorm <- sort(edge.nonorm, position.var="PosOrder") layout(matrix(c(1,2,4,5,3,3,6,6), 4,2),width=c(1, 4), height=c(6,1,6,1)) report.plot(edge.nonorm, chrLim="LimitChr", layout=FALSE, main="Pangenomic representation (before normalization)", zlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(-3,1)) report.plot(edge.norm, chrLim="LimitChr", layout=FALSE, main="Pangenomic representation (after normalization)", zlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(-3,1)) ### gradient: global array Trend ## aggregate arrayCGH without normalization for comparison with ## normalized array gradient.nonorm <- norm(gradient, flag.list=NULL, FUN=median, na.rm=TRUE) gradient.nonorm <- sort(gradient.nonorm) layout(matrix(c(1,2,4,5,3,3,6,6), 4,2),width=c(1, 4), height=c(6,1,6,1)) report.plot(gradient.nonorm, chrLim="LimitChr", layout=FALSE, main="Pangenomic representation (before normalization)", zlim=c(-2,2), ylim=c(-3,2)) report.plot(gradient.norm, chrLim="LimitChr", layout=FALSE, main="Pangenomic representation (after normalization)", zlim=c(-2,2), ylim=c(-3,2)) } \keyword{hplot}