\title{Generate an HTML report of array normalization}
Create an HTML file with various illustrations of array normalization,
including plots before and after normalization, and statistics about
flagged spots and clones
\method{html.report}{arrayCGH}(array.norm, array.nonorm=NULL, dir.out=".",
array.name=NULL, x="PosOrder", y=c("LogRatioNorm", "LogRatio"), chrLim=NULL,
ylim=NULL, zlim=NULL, clim=NULL, intensity=NULL, light=FALSE, file.name="report",
width=10, height=5, \ldots)
\method{html.report}{default}(spot.data, clone.data=NULL, flag.data=NULL, quality.data=NULL, \ldots)
\item{array.norm}{an object of type \code{arrayCGH} after normalization step}
\item{array.nonorm}{an optional object of type arrayCGH after a
normalization step with no flags}
\item{spot.data}{a data.frame containing spot-level informations
(e.g. \code{arrayCGH\$arrayValues})}
\item{clone.data}{a data.frame containing clone-level informations
(e.g. \code{arrayCGH\$cloneValues})}
\item{flag.data}{a data.frame containing information about flags, with
fields \code{char}, \code{label}, \code{arg}, \code{count} as
generated by function \code{\link{flag.summary}}}
\item{quality.data}{a data.frame containing information about quality
scores with fields \code{name}, \code{label}, \code{score} as
generated by function \code{\link{qscore.summary}}}
\item{dir.out}{absolute path of a directory where the file is
generated (defaults to the current directory)}
\item{array.name}{name or identifier of the array}
\item{x}{a variable name from \code{arrayCGH\$cloneValues} giving the order position
of the clones along the genome (defaults to 'PosOrder')}
\item{y}{a vector of one or two variable names to be passed to \code{\link{report.plot}}}
\item{chrLim}{an optional variable name from \code{arrayCGH\$cloneValues}
giving the limits of each chromosome}
\item{ylim}{a numeric vector of length 2 to be passed to
\code{\link{report.plot}}: y axis range of the genomic profile display}
\item{clim}{a numeric vector of length 2 to be passed to
\code{\link{report.plot}}: color range of the genomic profile}
\item{zlim}{a numeric vector of length 2 to be passed to
\code{\link{report.plot}}: color range for array image display}
\item{intensity}{an optional list with names c("M.var", "A.var",
"pred.var", "span"). The first 3 items specify existing variable names
from \code{arrayCGH\$arrayValues} that will be used to draw a
MA-plot. The last item is the value of the loess 'span'}
\item{light}{boolean value: if (light), only the core of the html file
is generated; if (!light), a complete html file is generated}
\item{file.name}{file name of the generated report (defaults to
\item{width}{plot width, in inches}
\item{height}{plot height, in inches}
\item{...}{further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{report.plot}}}
This function creates an HTML report file showing
- the array image and the genome representation before normalization
(if \code{array.nonorm} is provided) and after normalization, and
optionally a MA-plot
- a table with information about the number of flagged spots for each
flag, and the number of remaining spots after normalization
- a table with information about various quality criteria for the
\author{Pierre Neuvial, \email{manor@curie.fr}.}
\note{People interested in tools for array-CGH analysis can
visit our web-page: \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.}
\seealso{\code{\link{flag.summary}}, \code{\link[plot]{report.plot}}}