\name{nearest} \alias{nearest} \alias{precede} \alias{follow} \alias{nearest,Ranges,RangesORmissing-method} \alias{precede,Ranges,RangesORmissing-method} \alias{follow,Ranges,RangesORmissing-method} \title{Nearest neighbor finding} \description{ The \code{nearest}, \code{precede} and \code{follow} methods find nearest neighbors between \code{\linkS4class{Ranges}} instances. } \usage{ nearest(x, subject, ...) precede(x, subject = x, ...) follow(x, subject = x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{The query \code{\linkS4class{Ranges}} instance.} \item{subject}{The subject \code{Ranges} instance, within which the nearest neighbors are found. Can be missing, in which case the query, \code{x}, is also the subject. } \item{...}{Additional arguments for methods} } \details{ \code{nearest} is the conventional nearest neighbor finder and returns a integer vector containing the index of the nearest neighbor range in \code{subject} for each range in \code{x}. If there is no nearest neighbor (if \code{subject} is empty), NA's are returned. The algorithm is roughly as follows, for a range \code{xi} in \code{x}: \enumerate{ \item Find the ranges in \code{subject} that overlap \code{xi}. If a single range \code{si} in \code{subject} overlaps \code{xi}, \code{si} is returned as the nearest neighbor of \code{xi}. If there are multiple overlaps, one of the overlapping ranges is chosen arbitrarily. \item If no ranges in \code{subject} overlap with \code{xi}, then the range in \code{subject} with the shortest distance from its end to the start \code{xi} or its start to the end of \code{xi} is returned. } \code{precede} returns an integer vector of the index of range in \code{subject} that ends before and closest to the start of each range in \code{x}. Note that any overlapping ranges are excluded. \code{NA} is returned when there are no qualifying ranges in \code{subject}. \code{follow} is the opposite of \code{precede}: it returns the index of the range in \code{subject} that starts after and closest to the end of each range in \code{x}. } \author{M. Lawrence} \seealso{ \code{\link{overlap}} for finding just the overlapping ranges. } \examples{ query <- IRanges(c(1, 3, 9), c(2, 7, 10)) subject <- IRanges(c(3, 5, 12), c(3, 6, 12)) nearest(query, subject) # c(1L, 1L, 3L) nearest(query) # c(2L, 1L, 2L) query <- IRanges(c(1, 3, 9), c(3, 7, 10)) subject <- IRanges(c(3, 2, 10), c(3, 13, 12)) precede(query, subject) # c(3L, 3L, NA) precede(IRanges(), subject) # integer() precede(query, IRanges()) # rep(NA_integer_, 3) precede(query) # c(3L, 3L, NA) follow(query, subject) # c(NA, NA, 1L) follow(IRanges(), subject) # integer() follow(query, IRanges()) # rep(NA_integer_, 3) follow(query) # c(NA, NA, 2L) } \keyword{utilities}