\name{XDataFrame-class} \docType{class} \alias{XDataFrame-class} % accessor \alias{dim,XDataFrame-method} \alias{dimnames,XDataFrame-method} \alias{dimnames<-,XDataFrame-method} % constructor \alias{XDataFrame} % subsetting \alias{[,XDataFrame-method} \alias{[[,XDataFrame-method} \alias{[[<-,XDataFrame-method} % coerce \alias{as.data.frame,XDataFrame-method} \alias{coerce,ANY,XDataFrame-method} \alias{coerce,matrix,XDataFrame-method} \alias{coerce,list,XDataFrame-method} \alias{coerce,integer,XDataFrame-method} \alias{coerce,data.frame,XDataFrame-method} \alias{coerce,XDataFrame,data.frame-method} \alias{as.list,XDataFrame-method} % splitting and combining \alias{cbind} \alias{cbind,XDataFrame-method} \alias{rbind} \alias{rbind,XDataFrame-method} \alias{split,XDataFrame-method} % show \alias{show,XDataFrame-method} % other \alias{is.array,XDataFrame-method} \title{External Data Frame} \description{ The \code{XDataFrame} emulates the interface of \code{data.frame}, but it supports the storage of any type of object as a column, as long as the \code{length} and \code{[} methods are implemented. The \dQuote{X} in its name indicates that it attempts to coerce its columns to external \code{\linkS4class{XSequence}} objects in a way that is completely transparent to the user. This helps to avoid unncessary copying. } \details{ On the whole, the \code{XDataFrame} behaves very similarly to \code{data.frame}, in terms of construction, subsetting, splitting, combining, etc. The most notable exception is that the row names are optional. This means calling \code{rownames(x)} will return \code{NULL} if there are no row names. Of course, it could return \code{seq_len(nrow(x))}, but returning \code{NULL} informs, for example, combination functions that no row names are desired (they are often a luxury when dealing with large data). As \code{XDataFrame} derives from \code{\linkS4class{AnnotatedList}}, it is possible to set an \code{annotaiton} string. Also, another \code{XDataFrame} can hold metadata on the columns. } \note{ In the future, the general data frame functionality will probably be moved to a \code{DataFrame} class. \code{XDataFrame} will derive from \code{DataFrame} and encapsulate the behavior of attempting to coerce or even requiring columns to be \code{XSequence}. } \section{Accessors}{ In the following code snippets, \code{x} is an \code{XDataFrame}. \describe{ \item{}{\code{dim(x)}: Get the length two integer vector indicating in the first and second element the number of rows and columns, respectively. } \item{}{\code{dimnames(x)}, \code{dimnames(x) <- value}: Get and set the two element list containing the row names (character vector of length \code{nrow(x)} or \code{NULL}) and the column names (character vector of length \code{ncol(x)}). } } } \section{Subsetting}{ In the following code snippets, \code{x} is an \code{XDataFrame}. \describe{ \item{}{\code{x[i,j,drop]}: Behaves very similarly to the \code{\link{[.data.frame}} method, except \code{i} can be a logical \code{Rle} object and subsetting by \code{matrix} indices is not supported. Due to limitations in the subsetting of \code{XSequence} objects, indices containing \code{NA}'s are not supported. } \item{}{\code{x[[i]]}: Behaves very similarly to the \code{\link{[[.data.frame}} method, except arguments \code{j} (why?) and \code{exact} are not supported. Column name matching is always exact. Subsetting by matrices is not supported. } \item{}{\code{x[[i]] <- value}: Behaves very similarly to the \code{\link{[[<-.data.frame}} method, except the argument \code{j} is not supported. An attempt is made to coerce \code{value} to a \code{XSequence} object. } } } \section{Constructor}{ \describe{\code{XDataFrame(..., row.names = NULL)}: Constructs an \code{XDataFrame} in similar fashion to \code{\link{data.frame}}. Each argument in \code{...} is coerced to an \code{XDataFrame} and combined column-wise. No special effort is expended to automatically determine the row names from the arguments. The row names should be given in \code{row.names}; otherwise, there are no row names. This is by design, as row names are normally undesirable when data is large. } } \section{Splitting and Combining}{ In the following code snippets, \code{x} is an \code{XDataFrame}. \describe{ \item{}{\code{split(x, f, drop = FALSE)}: Splits \code{x} into a \code{\linkS4class{SplitXDataFrameList}}, according to \code{f}, dropping elements corresponding to unrepresented levels if \code{drop} is \code{TRUE}. } \item{}{ \code{rbind(...)}: Creates a new \code{XDataFrame} by combining the rows of the \code{XDataFrame} objects in \code{...}. Very similar to \code{\link{rbind.data.frame}}, except in the handling of row names. If all elements have row names, they are concatenated and made unique. Otherwise, the result does not have row names. Currently, factors are not handled well (their levels are dropped). This is not a high priority until there is an \code{XFactor} class. } \item{}{ \code{cbind(...)}: Creates a new \code{XDataFrame} by combining the columns of the \code{XDataFrame} objects in \code{...}. Very similar to \code{\link{cbind.data.frame}}, except row names, if any, are dropped. Consider the \code{XDataFrame} as an alternative that allows one to specify row names. } } } \section{Coercion}{ \describe{ \item{}{\code{as(from, "XDataFrame")}: By default, constructs a new \code{XDataFrame} with \code{from} as its only column. If \code{from} is a \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame}, all of its columns become columns in the new \code{XDataFrame}. In any case, there is an attempt to coerce columns to \code{XSequence} before inserting them into the \code{XDataFrame}. If \code{from} is a \code{list}, its elements become columns in the same way. Note that for the \code{XDataFrame} to behave correctly, each column object must support element-wise subsetting via the \code{[} method and return the number of elements with \code{length}. It is recommended to use the \code{XDataFrame} constructor, rather than this interface. } \item{}{\code{as.list(x)}: Coerces \code{x}, an \code{XDataFrame}, to a \code{list}, converting any \code{XSequence} objects to vectors along the way. } \item{}{\code{as.data.frame(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE)}: Coerces \code{x}, an \code{XDataFrame}, to a \code{data.frame}. Each column is coerced to a \code{vector} and stored as a column in the \code{data.frame}. If \code{row.names} is \code{NULL}, they are retrieved from \code{x}, if it has any. Otherwise, they are inferred by the \code{data.frame} constructor. } \item{}{\code{as(from, "data.frame")}: Coerces a \code{XDataFrame} to a \code{data.frame} by calling \code{as.data.frame(from)}. } } } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{RangedData}}, which makes heavy use of this class. } \examples{ score <- c(1L, 3L, NA) counts <- c(10L, 2L, NA) row.names <- c("one", "two", "three") xdf <- XDataFrame(score) # single column xdf[["score"]] xdf <- XDataFrame(score, row.names = row.names) #with row names rownames(xdf) xdf <- XDataFrame(vals = score) # explicit naming xdf[["vals"]] # a data.frame sw <- XDataFrame(swiss) as.data.frame(sw) # swiss, without row names # now with row names sw <- XDataFrame(swiss, row.names = rownames(swiss)) as.data.frame(sw) # swiss # subsetting sw[] # identity subset sw[,] # same sw[NULL] # no columns sw[,NULL] # no columns sw[NULL,] # no rows ## select columns sw[1:3] sw[,1:3] # same as above sw[,"Fertility"] sw[,c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)] ## select rows and columns sw[4:5, 1:3] sw[1] # one-column XDataFrame ## the same sw[, 1, drop = FALSE] sw[, 1] # a (unnamed) vector sw[[1]] # the same sw[["Fertility"]] sw[["Fert"]] # should return 'NULL' sw[1,] # a one-row XDataFrame sw[1,, drop=TRUE] # a list ## duplicate row, unique row names are created sw[c(1, 1:2),] ## indexing by row names sw["Courtelary",] subsw <- sw[1:5,1:4] subsw["C",] # partially matches ## row and column names cn <- paste("X", seq_len(ncol(swiss)), sep = ".") colnames(sw) <- cn colnames(sw) rn <- seq(nrow(sw)) rownames(sw) <- rn rownames(sw) ## column replacement xdf[["counts"]] <- counts xdf[["counts"]] xdf[[3]] <- score xdf[["X"]] xdf[[3]] <- NULL # deletion ## split sw <- XDataFrame(swiss) swsplit <- split(sw, sw[["Education"]]) ## rbind do.call(rbind, as.list(swsplit)) ## cbind cbind(XDataFrame(score), XDataFrame(counts)) } \keyword{classes} \keyword{methods}