\name{GeneSelector} \alias{GeneSelector} \title{Exclude genes from being candidates for differential expression} \description{\code{GeneRankings} and \code{AggregatedRankings} from several statistics are unified. According to a user-defined or adaptively determined threshold via multiple testing procedures, all genes are checked whether they fall below this threshold \emph{consistenly} in all statistics used. If this criterion is not met, then the gene is selected.\cr A final order of the genes is defined by the following criteria \describe{ \item{1.}{A user-defined ranking of the used statistics, i.e. the user decides which statistic is most important} \item{2.}{'Selection', i.e. falling below the threshold yes/no} \item{3.}{The obtained ranks. The rank from the most important statistic is considered, then that from the second most important, and so on.} } } \usage{ GeneSelector(Rlist, ind = NULL, indstatistic = 1:length(Rlist), threshold = c("user", "BH", "qvalue", "Bonferroni", "Holm", "Hochberg", "SidakSS", "SidakSD", "BY"), maxrank = NULL, maxpval = 0.05) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{Rlist}{A list of objects of class \code{RepeatedRanking} or \code{AggregatedRanking}, all based on the same data.} \item{ind}{Indices of genes to be considered. Defaults to all.} \item{indstatistic}{An index vector defining the importance of the elements of \code{Rlist} (typically this is the importance of the used statistics). For instance, if \code{RList} consists of five elements, then \code{indstatistic=c(2,4,1,3,5)} would give most importance to the second statistic.} \item{threshold}{How the threshold is determined. Can be either \code{"user"} (then the threshold is specified via \code{maxrank}) or a multiple testing procedure (s. \link{AdjustPvalues}). In this case, the p-values of that element of \code{Rlist} attributed most importance (s. \code{indtstatistic}) are adjusted and the number of p-values falling below \code{maxpval} is used as threshold rank. If the most important statistic provides no p-values, then the ones of the second most are used (if available), and so on.} \item{maxrank}{Specified if \code{threshold="user"}. A positive integer that is regarded as threshold rank.} \item{maxpval}{Specified if \code{threshold} is \emph{not} \code{user}} } \value{An object of class \link{CombinedRanking}.} \author{Martin Slawski \email{martin.slawski@campus.lmu.de} \cr Anne-Laure Boulesteix \url{http://www.slcmsr.net/boulesteix}} \seealso{\link{GeneRanking}, \link{AggregatedRanking}} \keyword{univar} \examples{ ## Load toy gene expression data data(toydata) ### class labels yy <- toydata[1,] ### gene expression xx <- toydata[-1,] ### Get Rankings from five different statistics ordinaryT <- RankingTstat(xx, yy, type="unpaired") baldilongT <- RankingBaldiLong(xx, yy, type="unpaired") samT <- RankingSam(xx, yy, type="unpaired") wilc <- RankingWilcoxon(xx, yy, type="unpaired") wilcebam <- RankingWilcEbam(xx, yy, type="unpaired") ### form a list LL <- list(ordinaryT, baldilongT, samT, wilc, wilcebam) ### order statistics (assign importance) ordstat <- c(3,4,2,1,5) ### start GeneSelector, threshold set to rank 50 gk50 <- GeneSelector(LL, indstatistic=ordstat, maxrank=50) ### start GeneSelector, using adaptive threshold based on p-values, ### here using the multiple testing procedure of Hochberg gkpval <- GeneSelector(LL, indstatistic=ordstat, threshold = "BH", maxpval=0.05) ### show results show(gkpval) str(gkpval) toplist(gkpval) ### which genes have been selected ? SelectedGenes(gkpval) ### relative distance plot plot(gkpval, top=5) ### Detailed information about gene 4 GeneInfoScreen(gkpval, which=4)}