\name{readGeneInput} \alias{readGeneInput} \title{Standardize reading of gene inputs} \description{ Internal function that will standardise the input of the many different form of sequences that can be used in Bioconductor. } \usage{ readGeneInput(gene, genename=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{gene}{} \item{genename}{} } \value{A list of all sequences and their names, in exactly the same format as obtained with the \link[Biostrings]{readFASTA} function of the Biostrings package.} \details{This function is not meant to be run directly by the user. It will take a number of genes either as a vector of characters, a path to a FASTA format file, as a vector of DNAstrings or as a readFASTA format. It will then output them in FASTA format for use with other functions. Optional variable genename forces a new name. The primary objective of this function is to make the sequence input simpler for other functions. } \author{Lasse Folkersen} \seealso{\code{\link{geneRegionScan}},\code{\link{plotOnGene}}} \examples{ somegene<-"ATACCTTGTAGGACCTGATGATAGATGCATAGTAATATCGTA" genename<-"My favourite gene" GeneRegionScan:::readGeneInput(somegene,genename=genename) } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}