\name{arrayPlot} \alias{arrayPlot} \alias{arrayPlot.default} \alias{arrayPlot.arrayCGH} \encoding{latin1} \title{Spatial image of microarray spots statistic} \description{ The function \code{arrayPlot} creates spatial images of shades of gray or colors that correspond to the values of a statistic for each spot on the array. The statistic can be the intensity log-ratio, a spot quality measure (e.g. spot size or shape), or a test statistic. This function can be used to explore whether there are any spatial effects in the data, for example, print-tip or cover-slip effects. } \usage{ \method{arrayPlot}{default}(Statistic, Col, Row, ArrCol, ArrRow, SpotCol, SpotRow, mediancenter=FALSE, col=myPalette("green", "red", "yellow"), contour=FALSE, nlevels=5, zlim=NULL, bar=c("none", "horizontal", "vertical"), layout=TRUE, ...) \method{arrayPlot}{arrayCGH}(arrayCGH, variable, mediancenter=FALSE, col=myPalette("green", "red", "yellow"), contour=FALSE, nlevels=5, zlim=NULL, bar=c("none", "horizontal", "vertical"), layout=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{arrayCGH}{Object of class \code{\link{arrayCGH}}.} \item{variable}{Variable to be plotted} \item{Statistic}{Statistic to be plotted.} \item{Col}{Vector of columns coordinates.} \item{Row}{Vector of rows coordinates.} \item{ArrCol}{Number of columns for the blocs.} \item{ArrRow}{Number of rows for the blocs.} \item{SpotCol}{Number of column for each bloc.} \item{SpotRow}{Number of rows for each bloc.} \item{mediancenter}{If \code{mediancenter=TRUE}, values of \code{Statistic} are median-centered.} \item{col}{List of colors such as that generated by \code{\link[base]{Palettes}}. In addition to these color palettes functions, a new function \code{\link{myPalette}} was defined to generate color palettes from user supplied low, middle, and high color values. } \item{contour}{If \code{contour=TRUE}, contour are plotted, otherwise they are not shown.} \item{nlevels}{Numbers of levels added by \code{\link[base]{contour}} if \code{contour=TRUE}.} \item{zlim}{Numerical vector of length 2 giving the extreme values of \code{z} to associate with colors \code{low} and \code{high} of \code{\link{myPalette}}. By default \code{zlim} is the range of \code{z}. Any values of \code{z} outside the interval \code{zlim} will be truncated to the relevant limit.} \item{bar}{If \code{bar=='horizontal'} (resp. \code{'vertical'}), an horizontal (resp. vertical) calibration color bar is shown to the right of the image.} \item{layout}{If \code{layout==TRUE} plot layout is automatically set when a color bar is asked for} \item{...}{Graphical parameters can be given as arguments to function \code{\link[base]{image}}.} N.B. : Col takes the values in 1:arrayRow*SpotRow and Row takes the values in 1:arrayCol*SpotCol } \details{This function is very similar to the \code{\link[marrayPlots]{maImage}} written by Sandrine Dudoit with added options \code{zlim}, \code{mediancenter} and \code{layout}.} \value{An image is created on the current graphics device.} \note{People interested in tools dealing with array CGH analysis can visit our web-page \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \author{Philippe Hupé, \email{glad@curie.fr}.} \seealso{\code{\link[base]{image}}, \code{\link[base]{contour}}, \code{\link{arrayPersp}}, \code{\link{myPalette}}.} \keyword{hplot} \examples{ data(arrayCGH) pdf(file="arrayCGH.pdf",height=21/cm(1),width=29.7/cm(1)) arrayPlot(array2$Log2Rat, array2$Col, array2$Row, 4,4,21,22, main="Spatial Image of array CGH") dev.off() # object of class arrayCGH array <- list(arrayValues=array2, arrayDesign=c(4,4,21,22)) class(array) <- "arrayCGH" arrayPlot(array,"Log2Rat", main="Spatial Image of array CGH") }