\name{stringDist} \alias{stringDist} \alias{stringDist,character-method} \alias{stringDist,XStringSet-method} \alias{stringDist,QualityScaledXStringSet-method} \title{String Distance/Alignment Score Matrix} \description{ Computes the Levenshtein edit distance or pairwise alignment score matrix for a set of strings. } \usage{ stringDist(x, method = "levenshtein", ignoreCase = FALSE, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, \dots) \S4method{stringDist}{XStringSet}(x, method = "levenshtein", ignoreCase = FALSE, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, type = "global", quality = PhredQuality(22L), substitutionMatrix = NULL, fuzzyMatrix = NULL, gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = -1) \S4method{stringDist}{QualityScaledXStringSet}(x, method = "quality", ignoreCase = FALSE, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL, fuzzyMatrix = NULL, gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = -1) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a character vector or an \code{\link{XStringSet}} object.} \item{method}{calculation method. One of \code{"levenshtein"}, \code{"quality"}, or \code{"substitutionMatrix"}.} \item{ignoreCase}{logical value indicating whether to ignore case during scoring.} \item{diag}{logical value indicating whether the diagonal of the matrix should be printed by \code{print.dist}.} \item{upper}{logical value indicating whether the diagonal of the matrix should be printed by \code{print.dist}.} \item{type}{(applicable when \code{method = "quality"} or \code{method = "substitutionMatrix"}). type of alignment. One of \code{"global"}, \code{"local"}, and \code{"overlap"}, where \code{"global"} = align whole strings with end gap penalties, \code{"local"} = align string fragments, \code{"overlap"} = align whole strings without end gap penalties.} \item{quality}{(applicable when \code{method = "quality"}). object of class \code{\link{XStringQuality}} representing the quality scores for \code{x} that are used in a quality-based method for generating a substitution matrix.} \item{substitutionMatrix}{(applicable when \code{method = "substitutionMatrix"}). symmetric matrix representing the fixed substitution scores in the alignment.} \item{fuzzyMatrix}{(applicable when \code{method = "quality"}). fuzzy match matrix for quality-based alignments. It takes values between 0 and 1; where 0 is an unambiguous mismatch, 1 is an unambiguous match, and values in between represent a fraction of "matchiness".} \item{gapOpening}{(applicable when \code{method = "quality"} or \code{method = "substitutionMatrix"}). penalty for opening a gap in the alignment.} \item{gapExtension}{(applicable when \code{method = "quality"} or \code{method = "substitutionMatrix"}). penalty for extending a gap in the alignment} \item{\dots}{optional arguments to generic function to support additional methods.} } \details{ Uses the underlying pairwiseAlignment code to compute the distance/alignment score matrix. } \value{ Returns an object of class \code{"dist"}. } \author{P. Aboyoun} \seealso{ \link[stats]{dist}, \link[base]{agrep}, \link{pairwiseAlignment}, \link{substitution.matrices} } \examples{ stringDist(c("lazy", "HaZy", "crAzY")) stringDist(c("lazy", "HaZy", "crAzY"), ignoreCase = TRUE) data(phiX174Phage) plot(hclust(stringDist(phiX174Phage), method = "single")) data(srPhiX174) stringDist(srPhiX174[1:4]) stringDist(srPhiX174[1:4], method = "quality", quality = SolexaQuality(quPhiX174[1:4]), gapOpening = -10, gapExtension = -4) } \keyword{character} \keyword{multivariate} \keyword{cluster}