\name{reverseComplement} \alias{reverse,character-method} \alias{reverse,XString-method} \alias{reverse,XStringSet-method} \alias{reverse,XStringViews-method} \alias{reverse,MaskedXString-method} \alias{complement} \alias{complement,DNAString-method} \alias{complement,RNAString-method} \alias{complement,DNAStringSet-method} \alias{complement,RNAStringSet-method} \alias{complement,XStringViews-method} \alias{complement,MaskedDNAString-method} \alias{complement,MaskedRNAString-method} \alias{reverseComplement} \alias{reverseComplement,DNAString-method} \alias{reverseComplement,RNAString-method} \alias{reverseComplement,DNAStringSet-method} \alias{reverseComplement,RNAStringSet-method} \alias{reverseComplement,XStringViews-method} \alias{reverseComplement,MaskedDNAString-method} \alias{reverseComplement,MaskedRNAString-method} % Old stuff: \alias{strrev} \title{Sequence reversing and complementing} \description{ Use these functions for reversing sequences and/or complementing DNA or RNA sequences. } \usage{ \S4method{reverse}{character}(x, \dots) \S4method{reverse}{XString}(x, \dots) complement(x, \dots) reverseComplement(x, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A character vector, or an \link{XString}, \link{XStringSet}, \link{XStringViews} or \link{MaskedXString} object for \code{reverse}. A \link{DNAString}, \link{RNAString}, \link{DNAStringSet}, \link{RNAStringSet}, \link{XStringViews} (with \link{DNAString} or \link{RNAString} subject), \link{MaskedDNAString} or \link{MaskedRNAString} object for \code{complement} and \code{reverseComplement}. } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to be passed to or from methods. } } \details{ Given an \link{XString} object \code{x}, \code{reverse(x)} returns an object of the same \link{XString} base type as \code{x} where letters in \code{x} have been reordered in the reverse order. If \code{x} is a \link{DNAString} or \link{RNAString} object, \code{complement(x)} returns an object where each base in \code{x} is "complemented" i.e. A, C, G, T in a \link{DNAString} object are replaced by T, G, C, A respectively and A, C, G, U in a \link{RNAString} object are replaced by U, G, C, A respectively. Letters belonging to the "IUPAC extended genetic alphabet" are also replaced by their complement (M <-> K, R <-> Y, S <-> S, V <-> B, W <-> W, H <-> D, N <-> N) and the gap (\code{"-"}) and hard masking (\code{"+"}) letters are unchanged. \code{reverseComplement(x)} is equivalent to \code{reverse(complement(x))} but is faster and more memory efficient. } \value{ An object of the same class and length as the original object. } \seealso{ \link{DNAString-class}, \link{RNAString-class}, \link{DNAStringSet-class}, \link{RNAStringSet-class}, \link{XStringViews-class}, \link{MaskedXString-class}, \code{\link{chartr}}, \code{\link{findPalindromes}} } \examples{ ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## A. SOME SIMPLE EXAMPLES ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- DNAString("ACGT-YN-") reverseComplement(x) library(drosophila2probe) probes <- DNAStringSet(drosophila2probe$sequence) probes alphabetFrequency(probes, collapse=TRUE) rcprobes <- reverseComplement(probes) rcprobes alphabetFrequency(rcprobes, collapse=TRUE) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## B. OBTAINING THE MISMATCH PROBES OF A CHIP ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- pm2mm <- function(probes) { probes <- DNAStringSet(probes) subseq(probes, start=13, end=13) <- complement(subseq(probes, start=13, end=13)) probes } mmprobes <- pm2mm(probes) mmprobes alphabetFrequency(mmprobes, collapse=TRUE) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## C. SEARCHING THE MINUS STRAND OF A CHROMOSOME ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Applying reverseComplement() to the pattern before calling ## matchPattern() is the recommended way of searching hits on the ## minus strand of a chromosome. library(BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3) chrX <- Dmelanogaster$chrX pattern <- DNAString("ACCAACNNGGTTG") matchPattern(pattern, chrX, fixed=FALSE) # 3 hits on strand + rcpattern <- reverseComplement(pattern) rcpattern m0 <- matchPattern(rcpattern, chrX, fixed=FALSE) m0 # 5 hits on strand - ## Applying reverseComplement() to the subject instead of the pattern is not ## a good idea for 2 reasons: ## (1) Chromosome sequences are generally big and sometimes very big ## so computing the reverse complement of the positive strand will ## take time and memory proportional to its length. chrXminus <- reverseComplement(chrX) # needs to allocate 22M of memory! chrXminus ## (2) Chromosome locations are generally given relatively to the positive ## strand, even for features located in the negative strand, so after ## doing this: m1 <- matchPattern(pattern, chrXminus, fixed=FALSE) ## the start/end of the matches are now relative to the negative strand. ## You need to apply reverseComplement() again on the result if you want ## them to be relative to the positive strand: m2 <- reverseComplement(m1) # allocates 22M of memory, again! ## and finally to apply rev() to sort the matches from left to right ## (5'3' direction) like in m0: m3 <- rev(m2) # same as m0, finally! ## WARNING: Before you try the example below on human chromosome 1, be aware ## that it will require the allocation of about 500Mb of memory! if (interactive()) { library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18) chr1 <- Hsapiens$chr1 matchPattern(pattern, reverseComplement(chr1)) # DON'T DO THIS! matchPattern(reverseComplement(pattern), chr1) # DO THIS INSTEAD } } \keyword{methods} \keyword{manip}