\name{needwunsQS} \alias{needwunsQS} \alias{needwunsQS,character,character-method} \alias{needwunsQS,character,XString-method} \alias{needwunsQS,XString,character-method} \alias{needwunsQS,XString,XString-method} \alias{print.needwunsQS} \alias{alignScore.needwunsQS} \alias{alignScore} \title{(Deprecated) Needleman-Wunsch Global Alignment} \description{Simple gap implementation of Needleman-Wunsch global alignment algorithm.} \usage{ needwunsQS(s1, s2, substmat, gappen = 8) } \arguments{ \item{s1, s2}{an R character vector of length 1 or an \link{XString} object.} \item{substmat}{matrix of alignment score values.} \item{gappen}{penalty for introducing a gap in the alignment.} } \details{ Follows specification of Durbin, Eddy, Krogh, Mitchison (1998). This function has been deprecated and is being replaced by \code{pairwiseAlignment}. } \value{ An instance of class \code{"PairwiseAlignedXStringSet"}. } \references{R. Durbin, S. Eddy, A. Krogh, G. Mitchison, Biological Sequence Analysis, Cambridge UP 1998, sec 2.3.} \author{Vince Carey (\email{stvjc@channing.harvard.edu}) (original author) and H. Pages (current maintainer).} \seealso{ \link{pairwiseAlignment}, \link{PairwiseAlignedXStringSet-class}, \link{substitution.matrices} } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## This function has been deprecated ## Use 'pairwiseAlignment' instead. ## nucleotide alignment mat <- matrix(-5L, nrow = 4, ncol = 4) for (i in seq_len(4)) mat[i, i] <- 0L rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- DNA_ALPHABET[1:4] s1 <- DNAString(paste(sample(DNA_ALPHABET[1:4], 1000, replace=TRUE), collapse="")) s2 <- DNAString(paste(sample(DNA_ALPHABET[1:4], 1000, replace=TRUE), collapse="")) nw0 <- needwunsQS(s1, s2, mat, gappen = 0) nw1 <- needwunsQS(s1, s2, mat, gappen = 1) nw5 <- needwunsQS(s1, s2, mat, gappen = 5) ## amino acid alignment needwunsQS("PAWHEAE", "HEAGAWGHEE", substmat = "BLOSUM50") } } \keyword{models} \keyword{methods}