\name{letter} \alias{letter} \alias{letter,character-method} \alias{letter,XString-method} \alias{letter,XStringViews-method} \alias{letter,MaskedXString-method} \title{Subsetting a string} \description{ Extract a substring from a string by picking up individual letters by their position. } \usage{ letter(x, i) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A character vector, or an \link{XString}, \link{XStringViews} or \link{MaskedXString} object. } \item{i}{ An integer vector with no NAs. } } \details{ Unlike with the \code{substr} or \code{substring} functions, \code{i} must contain valid positions. } \value{ A character vector of length 1 when \code{x} is an \link{XString} or \link{MaskedXString} object (the masks are ignored for the latter). A character vector of the same length as \code{x} when \code{x} is a character vector or an \link{XStringViews} object. Note that, because \code{i} must contain valid positions, all non-NA elements in the result are guaranteed to have exactly \code{length(i)} characters. } \seealso{ \code{\link[IRanges]{subseq}}, \link{XString-class}, \link{XStringViews-class}, \link{MaskedXString-class} } \examples{ x <- c("abcd", "ABC") i <- c(3, 1, 1, 2, 1) ## With a character vector: letter(x[1], 3:1) letter(x, 3) letter(x, i) #letter(x, 4) # Error! ## With a BString object: letter(BString(x[1]), i) # returns a character vector BString(x[1])[i] # returns a BString object ## With an XStringViews object: x2 <- XStringViews(x, "BString") letter(x2, i) } \keyword{methods}