\name{BSParams-class} \docType{class} \alias{class:BSParams} \alias{BSParams-class} \alias{BSParams} \title{Class "BSParams"} \description{ A parameter class for representing all parameters needed for running the \code{bsapply} method. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("BSParams", ...)}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{X}:}{ a BSgenome object that contains chromosomes that you wish to apply FUN on } \item{\code{FUN}:}{ the function to apply to each chromosome in the BSgenome object 'X' } \item{\code{exclude}:}{ this is a character vector with strings that will be used to filter out chromosomes whose names match these strings. } \item{\code{simplify}:}{ TRUE/FALSE value to indicate whether or not the function should try to simplify the output for you. } \item{\code{maskList}:}{ A named logical vector of maskStates preferred when used with a BSGenome object. When using the bsapply function, the masks will be set to the states in this vector. } \item{\code{motifList}:}{ A character vector which should contain motifs that the user wishes to mask from the sequence. } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{bsapply(p)}}{Performs the function FUN using the parameters contained within \code{BSParams}.} } } \author{Marc Carlson} \seealso{ \code{\link{bsapply}} } \keyword{classes}