\name{popHUMANDB} \alias{popHUMANDB} \alias{popMALARIADB} \alias{popMOUSEDB} \alias{popRATDB} \alias{popFLYDB} \alias{popYEASTDB} \alias{popYEASTNCBIDB} \alias{popZEBRAFISHDB} \alias{popECOLIDB} \alias{popCANINEDB} \alias{popBOVINEDB} \alias{popWORMDB} \alias{popPIGDB} \alias{popCHICKENDB} \title{Populates an SQLite DB with and produces a schema definition} \description{ Creates SQLite file useful for making a SQLite based annotation package. Also produces the schema file which details the schema for the database produced. } \usage{ popHUMANDB(prefix, chipSrc, metaDataSrc, outputDir, printSchema) } \arguments{ \item{prefix}{ prefix is the first part of the eventual desired package name. (ie. "prefix.sqlite") } \item{chipSrc}{ The path and filename to the intermediate database containing the annotation data for the sqlite to build. } \item{metaDataSrc}{ Either a named character vector containing pertinent information about the metadata OR the path and filename to the intermediate database containing the metadata information for the package. If this is a custom package, then it must be a named vector with the following fields: metaDataSrc <- c( DBSCHEMA="the DB schema", ORGANISM="the organism", SPECIES="the species", MANUFACTURER="the manufacturer", CHIPNAME="the chipName", MANUFACTURERURL="the manufacturerUrl") } \item{outputDir}{ Where you would like the output files to be placed. } \item{printSchema}{ Boolean to indicate whether or not to produce an output of the schema (default is FALSE). } } \examples{ \dontrun{ ##Set up the metadata my_metaDataSrc <- c( DBSCHEMA="the DB schema", ORGANISM="the organism", SPECIES="the species", MANUFACTURER="the manufacturer", CHIPNAME="the chipName", MANUFACTURERURL="the manufacturerUrl") ##Builds the org.Hs.eg sqlite: popHUMANDB(prefix="org.Hs.eg", chipSrc = "/mnt/cpb_anno/mcarlson/proj/sqliteGen/nli/annosrc/db/chipsrc_human.sqlite", metaDataSrc = my_metaDataSrc, printSchema=TRUE) ##Or if the package is a standard package (it probably isn't): ##Builds the org.Hs.eg sqlite: popHUMANDB(prefix="org.Hs.eg", chipSrc = "/mnt/cpb_anno/mcarlson/proj/sqliteGen/nli/annosrc/db/chipsrc_human.sqlite", metaDataSrc = "/mnt/cpb_anno/mcarlson/proj/sqliteGen/nli/annosrc/db/metadatasrc.sqlite", printSchema=TRUE) } } \keyword{utilities}