
Family Based Association Tests for genetic data.

This package implements a broad class of Family Based Association Tests for genetids data, with adjustments for population admixture using the code from the 'FBAT' software program (see http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/~fbat/fbat.htm). Features include: - Uses data from nuclear families, sibships, pedigrees, or any combination; provides unbiased tests with or without founder genotypes. - Analyzes dichotomous, measured, or time-to-onset traits and multiple traits; trait definition can be optimized. - Offers bi-allelic and multi-allelic tests of association using standard genetic models (additive, dominant, recessive or genotype). - Offers large sample and Monte-Carlo exact tests of the null hypothesis: no linkage and no association; offers large sample test of H0: no association. - Estimates allele frequencies; checks Mendelian consistency. - Tests multiple markers using haplotypes; estimates haplotype frequencies and linkage disequilibrium between pairs of markers. - Offers two multi-marker tests for testing multiple markers simultaneously, without resolving phase or assuming no recombination. - Uses standard pedigree data files; phenotype file is optional. - Offers the Sibs Disequilibrium Test.

Author Weiliang Qiu Ross Lazarus Gregory Warnes Nitin Jain
Maintainer The R Genetics Project

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Family Based Association Tests Using the \Rpackage{fbat package} PDF R Script
Reference Manual


MASS , GeneticsBase
System Requirements
License LGPL
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Development History Bioconductor Changelog

Package Downloads

Package source fbat_1.8.0.tar.gz
Windows binary fbat_1.8.0.zip
MacOS X 10.4 (Tiger) binary fbat_1.8.0.tgz
MacOS X 10.5 (Leopard) binary fbat_1.8.0.tgz
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