\name{flowcyt.fluors} \alias{flowcyt.fluors} \title{Archived Flow Cytometry Fluorescence Measurements - British Columbia Cancer Research Center -} \description{ Archived flow cytometry fluorescence measurements, from a serie of \code{FCS} objects, using the version of 'read.series.FCS' in \pkg{rflowcyt} on October 1, 2005. The data come from a time course experiment with 12 time points. At each time point, the sample has been divided in 8 aliquots and labeled to analyse 8 stains (with 4 markers for each stain). The name of one sample corresponds to its position in the 96 wells plate. The flowcyt.fluors are the 96 fluorescence data extract from the 96 \code{FCS} R-objects. } \usage{##Fluorescence measurements of a FCS R objects, see examples for details} \format{Fluorescence data} \source{ British Columbia Cancer Research Center, Vancouver, Canada } \examples{ data(flowcyt.fluors) } \keyword{datasets}