\name{VRCmin} \alias{VRCmin} \alias{VRCmin.RData} \alias{VRCmin.RData.gz} \alias{VRCmin.Rda} \alias{VRC} \alias{VRC.rda} \alias{VRC.rda.gz} \alias{VRC.RData} \alias{VRC.RData.gz} \alias{unst.1829} \alias{st.1829} \alias{unst.DRT} \alias{st.DRT} \title{Archived Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) R-objects- Vaccine Research Center, NIH} \description{ Archived using the version of 'read.FCS' in \pkg{rflowcyt} on April 20, 2004. There are four FCS R-objects: 1. unst.1829 (read from 1829\_28+49d.fcs, FCS file): unstimulated HIV- individual (control) 2. st.1829 (read from 1829\_GAG.fcs, FCS file): GAG peptide stimulated HIV- individual (case) 3. unst.DRT (read from DRT\_28+49d.fcs, FCS file): unstimulated HIV+ individual (control) 4. st.DRT (read from DRT\_GAG.fcs, FCS file): GAG peptide stimulated HIV+ individual (case) } \usage{data(VRCmin)} \format{Four FCS R-objects } \source{ Vaccine Research Center (VRC), NIH, Bethesda, MD Also from the 'VRC' data of the \pkg{rfcdorig} package. } \examples{ data(VRCmin) ## can now obtain FCS R objects: ## unst.1829, st.1829, unst.DRT, and st.DRT ## in the parent.frame() } \keyword{datasets}