\name{MC.053min} \alias{MC.053min} \alias{MC.053} \title{Archived Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) R-object -Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center} \description{ Archived using the version of 'read.FCS' in \pkg{rflowcyt} on April 20, 2004. There is one FCS R-object: 1. MC.053 (read from 042402c1.053.fcs, FCS file; ICS data file; analysis using Cell Quest application) negative control } \usage{ ## FCS R objects, see examples for details} \format{Three FCS R-objects } \source{ Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA Also from the 'FHCRC' data from \pkg{rfcdorig} data package. } \examples{ ##obtaining the FCS objects from FHCRC.RData compressed data file ## this is the long way #location<-system.file("data", package="rfcdmin") #filelocFHCRC<-paste(location, "/MC.053min.RData", sep="") #load(filelocFHCRC) ## easier way is to just use data() function call data(MC.053min) ## can now obtain FCS R object: ## MC.053 ## in the parent.frame() } \keyword{datasets}