\name{y2hSysGW} \alias{y2hSysGW} \docType{data} \title{A data object documenting the bait to prey associations for the y2h empirical data-sets with two restrictions.} \description{ This list is a sublist of the file y2h.rda of bait to prey interactions which have 2 restrictions: Genome Wide prey population and the use of GAL4 transcription factor. There are currently 7 experiments that fall within these restrictions. The protein names in this list have been mapped to the systematic names from the IntAct codes. } \usage{data(y2hSysGW)} \format{ The format is: chr "y2hSysGW" } \details{ The format of this data object is the same as that of y2h.rda. Please see the help page for that object. } \examples{ data(y2hSysGW) y2hSysGW[[2]] } \keyword{datasets}