\name{twTableY2H} \alias{twTableY2H} \docType{data} \title{A table to look at the permutation statistics of pairs of Y2H experiment.} \description{ For each pair of Y2H experiment, let X be the restriction of common viable proteins. Restricted to the set X, entry n11 of the table details how many times the protein is found in both experiments; n12 details how many times the protein was found in experiment 1 but not experiment 2; entry n21 details how many times the protein was found in experiment 2 and not experiment 1; and n22 details the number of times the proteins were found in neither experiments. } \usage{data(twTableY2H)} \format{ A list of matrices. Each element of the list contains a table for a particular pair of experimental datasets. The rows are indexed by (n11,n12,n21,n22), and the columns are indexed by the elements of X. } \details{ } \source{ } \references{ } \examples{ data(twTableY2H) } \keyword{datasets}