\name{stochasticBaits} \alias{stochasticBaits} \docType{data} \title{Lists of viable baits in each bait to prey dataset which are conjectured not to be systematically biased.} \description{ These are named lists consisting of viable baits corresponding to each dataset which are not believed to suffer from systematic bias due to the bait to prey systems. The names should be listed by the systematic gene names. If the systematic gene names could not be found, then a common name is used. If the data was obtained from IntAct, and neither a common nor a systematic name could be found, the IntAct Accension Identification Code ("EBI-*****") is retained. The IntAct Codes will always be listed first if they exist. Because we have chosen to supress the homodimer relationships within the respective bait to prey directed graphs, there will be proteins listed as viable prey which index isolated nodes in the graphs. These isolated nodes simply mean that these proteins were only seen to interact within homodimer relationships. } \usage{ data(stochasticBaits) } \format{A named list. Each element is a character vector of the viable baits for the corresponding dataset. } \examples{ data(stochasticBaits) stochasticBaits[[1]][1:5] } \keyword{datasets}