\name{proteinProperty} \alias{proteinProperty} \docType{data} \title{A data frame which details 33 properties of the Yeast Genome} \usage{data(proteinProperty)} \format{ The format is: data.frame "proteinProperty" } \description{ This data frame is downloaded directly from SGD. It contains 33 characteristics for 6714 open reading frames (ORFS). From the SGD README: Contains basic protein information about each ORF in SGD. This file does not include information on deleted or merged ORFs. Note, however, that it includes ORFs of all other classifications (Verified, Uncharacterized, and Dubious). This file is updated weekly (Saturday). The columns are below; only the first two columns are mandatory. The column designated by an amino acid is the number of that particular residue in the protein sequence. For example, if the ALA column is 2, then the protein contains 2 alanines. The columns of the dataframe are: FEATURE (ORF name) SGDID MOLECULAR WEIGHT (in Daltons) PI CAI (Codon Adaptation Index) PROTEIN LENGTH N TERM SEQ C TERM SEQ CODON BIAS ALA ARG ASN ASP CYS GLN GLU GLY HIS ILE LEU LYS MET PHE PRO SER THR TRP TYR VAL FOP SCORE (Frequency of Optimal Codons) GRAVY SCORE (Hydropathicity of Protein) AROMATICITY SCORE (Frequency of aromatic amino acids: Phe, Tyr, Trp) Feature type (ORF classification: Verified, Uncharacterized, Dubious) For more details, please visit the SGD website. } \source{ ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/protein\_info/protein\_properties.tab } \examples{ data(proteinProperty) } \keyword{datasets}