\name{ppipred} \alias{ppipred} \docType{data} \title{ Protein-protein predictions} \description{ The data in \code{ppipred} are those provided by Liu et al for S. cervisiae protein protein interactions. } \usage{data(ppipred)} \format{ A data frame with 20088 observations on the following 3 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{Gene1}}{A vector of the gene names for one interactor.} \item{\code{Gene2}}{A vector of the gene names for the other interactor.} \item{\code{Probability}}{A vectror containing the probability they give to the interaction.} } } \details{ Liu et al discuss a method for estimating protein-protein interactions from existing data, across species. They have provided the data with the following description: \dQuote{We compute domain-domain interaction probabilities from Y2H protein-protein interactions, and then use these domain-domain interaction probabilities to compute the interaction probability between every pair of proteins. The prediction results with a false positive rate fp=3E-4 and a false negative rate fn=0.85 are listed blow.} } \source{ \url{http://bioinformatics.med.yale.edu/interaction/} } \references{ \emph{Inferring protein-protein interactions through high-throughput interaction data from diverse organisms}, Y. Liu, N. Liu and H. Zhao, Bioinformatics, 2005, 21, 3279-3285. } \examples{ data(ppipred) } \keyword{datasets}