\name{map2Systematic} \alias{map2Systematic} \title{A function that maps the Intact ID's to Yeast Systematic Names if possible} \description{ This function takse the IntAct accension numbers and maps to the yeast common names via intact repository and uses the org.Sc.sgd package to map the common names to the org.Sc.sgd Systematic names. } \usage{ map2Systematic(allProt, tableList, sWAC) } \arguments{ \item{allProt}{A character vector of proteins to be mapped} \item{tableList}{The tableList element of the output from collectIntactData} \item{sWAC}{A named character vector; the names are SwissProt Accesion Codes and the elemnets are the Yeast Systematic names} } \value{ The return value is a mapping of each Intact ID to it's respecting systematic name. } \author{T Chiang} \examples{ data(sWAC2Sys) dataL = collectIntactData("EBI-375746") sysN = map2Systematic(dataL$allBaits, dataL$tableList, sWAC2Sys) } \keyword{datagen}