\name{eset} \alias{eset} \alias{esetSpot} \alias{cloneanno} \docType{data} \title{renal cell cancer expression data} \description{renal cell cancer expression data} \usage{ data("eset") data("esetSpot") data("cloneanno") } \format{ \code{eset} is an object of type \code{\link[Biobase]{exprSet}}. Samples (columns of the expression matrix) correspond to renal cell cancer samples from 74 patients with kidney tumors. Probes (rows of the expression matrix) correspond to different cDNA clones. \code{cloneanno} is a data frame with 4224 rows, one for each clone. Its columns are: \code{plate}, \code{SrcRow}, \code{SrcCol}, \code{imageid}, \code{AccNumber}, \code{spot1}, \code{spot2}, \code{description}, \code{vendor} The arrays that were used to measure these data contained two features for each reporter (clone), and \code{esetSpot} is the data \emph{before} averaging over the two features per reporter. Spots 4225:8448 are the duplicates of spots 1:4224.} \source{Holger Sueltmann, DKFZ. Also available from ArrayExpress, Accession number E-DKFZ-1. The data import fro Genepix files and Excel tables, and the preprocessing is described in the files preproc.Rnw and preproc.pdf in the \code{scripts} subdirectory of the package. Please refer to these for details! } \references{ Gene expression in kidney cancer is associated with novel tumor subtypes, cytogenetic abnormalities and metastasis formation. Holger Sueltmann, Anja von Heydebreck, Wolfgang Huber, Ruprecht Kuner, Andreas Buness, Markus Vogt, Bastian Gunawan, Martin Vingron, Laszlo Fuezesi, and Annemarie Poustka. Submitted. } \seealso{\code{\link[kidpack:qua]{qua}}} \keyword{datasets} \examples{ data(eset) eset data(cloneanno) cloneanno[1,] ## see also the vignette }