\name{chkMotif4TF} \alias{chkMotif4TF} \alias{chkAllUS} \title{analyze relationship between motif frequency and binding intensity for selected motif and TF} \description{analyze relationship between motif frequency and binding intensity for selected motif and TF } \usage{ chkMotif4TF(motif, TF, chset, upstr, bthresh=2, countthresh=0) } \arguments{ \item{motif}{ character string in alphabet known to Biostrings} \item{TF}{ name of a TF (sample name in the ChIP-chip data structure \code{chset}} \item{chset}{ an ExpressionSet instance harboring ChIP-chip data } \item{upstr}{ an instance of upstreamSeqs} \item{bthresh}{ threshold for binding intensity results to declare TF 'bound' to the upstream region} \item{countthresh}{ threshold for motif count to be considered 'present' in upstream region} } \details{ Uses \code{\link[Biostrings]{countPattern}} to perform motif count. } \value{a list with elements \code{call}, \code{table}, and \code{test}, the latter providing the result of \code{\link{fisher.test}} } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ # slow \dontrun{ data(harbChIP) data(sceUpstr) chkMotif4TF("CGGCCG", "RDS1", harbChIP, sceUpstr) } } \keyword{ models }