\name{Apoptosis and MAP-Kinase example data} \alias{facsDorit} \docType{data} \title{FACS data for cell-based apoptosis assay} \description{Set of FCS 3.0 files containing FACS data for each well of a 96 well microtitre plate} \format{\code{map} and \code{apoptosis} are directories, each containing 96 FCS 3.0 files derived from a FACS experiment to characterize effectors of the MAP-Kinase and apoptotic pathways, respectively. The files may be imported using function \code{readFCS} (for single files) or function \code{readCytoSet} (for all files in the directory). } \source{Mamatha Sauermann (apoptosis), Meher Majety (MAP-Kinase), both at DKFZ Heidelberg} \references{ } \seealso{\code{\link[prada:readFCS]{readFCS}}, \code{\link[prada:readCytoSet]{readCytoSet}}} \keyword{} \examples{ apo <- readFCS(system.file("extdata", "apoptosis", "test2933T3.A01", package="facsDorit")) apo exprs(apo[1:3,]) description(apo)[3:6] map <- readFCS(system.file("extdata", "map", "060304MAPK controls.A01", package="facsDorit")) map exprs(map[1:3,]) description(map)[3:6] }