\name{showDens} \alias{showDens} \title{Plot function for more than one density} \description{ Plot function for more than one density } \usage{ showDens(z, breaks, xat, xtickLabels=paste(xat), col, ylab = "", ...) } \arguments{ \item{z}{List: numeric vectors for computing histograms for} \item{breaks}{Numeric vector: breaks of the histogram} \item{xat}{Numeric vector: where to put the x-axis ticks} \item{xtickLabels}{Character vector: what to write underneath them} \item{col}{Character vector: colours of the histograms} \item{ylab}{Character scalar: y-axis label} \item{\dots}{futher arguments passed on to plot} } \details{ ... } \value{ returns scale factor } \author{Wolfgang Huber \email{huber@ebi.ac.uk}} \seealso{\code{\link{hist}}} \examples{ showDens(list(x1=runif(100), x2=exp(runif(50))-1, x3=runif(20)), breaks=seq(0, 2, 0.2), xat=seq(0, 2, 0.5), col=rainbow(3), xlab="Random Numbers") } \keyword{hplot}