\name{scatterWithHist} \alias{scatterWithHist} \title{Scatterplot with histograms of marginal distributions} \description{ Scatterplot with histograms of marginal distributions. } \usage{ scatterWithHist(x, breaks, barcols, xlab, ylab, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{numeric matrix with 2 columns.} \item{breaks}{numeric vector with histogram breaks, see \code{\link{hist}}.} \item{barcols}{character vector of length 2, colors for the histogram filling.} \item{xlab}{characterof length 1, label for x-axis.} \item{ylab}{characterof length 1, label for y-axis.} \item{\dots}{further arguments that get passed on to \code{\link{plot}}.} } \details{ } \value{ The function is called for its side effect. } \author{W. Huber } \examples{ x = rexp(100) x = cbind(x, x+0.6*rnorm(length(x))) scatterWithHist(x, breaks=seq(min(x),max(x),length=20), barcols=c("mistyrose", "lightblue"), xlab="Daffodil", ylab="Petunia", pch=16) } \keyword{hplot}