\name{getAttributeField} \alias{getAttributeField} \title{Extract the value of a certain field out of a character vector such as in the "attributes" column of a GFF table.} \description{ Extract the value of a certain field out of a character vector such as in the "attributes" column of a GFF table. } \usage{ getAttributeField(x, field, attrsep=";") } \arguments{ \item{x}{character vector.} \item{field}{character vector of length 1, containing the field name.} \item{attrsep}{character vector of length 1, containing the separator name.} } \details{See example. } \value{ Character vector. } \author{W. Huber } \examples{ acol = c("ID=46891;Name=TEL01L-TR;Note=Bla", "ID=46892;Name=TEL01L;Note=Di", "ID=46893;Name=TEL01L-XR;Note=Bla") getAttributeField(acol, "Name") getAttributeField(acol, "ID") } \keyword{manip}