\name{data:davidTiling} \alias{data:davidTiling} \alias{davidTiling} \non_function{} \title{Dataset of class eSet with the raw 'CEL file' intensities} \usage{data("davidTiling")} \format{Intensity data for 8 arrays. The \code{\link[Biobase]{phenoData}} slot contains the file names and the nucleic acid type.} \description{ The data are from an experiment that used Affymetrix Scerevisiaetiling chips from 2004, which where custom-made for the Stanford Genome Center. The chips tile the complete genome of S. cerevisiae in steps of 8 bases, separately for each strand of each chromosome. The two tiles for one chromosome (Watson and Crick strands) are offset by 4 bases. Note that the class \code{\link[Biobase]{eSet}} was used instead of \code{\link[affy]{AffyBatch}} since the additional overhead of 'CDF environments' in the latter is not needed here. } \source{ Lior David and Lars Steinmetz, both from the Stanford Genome Center. Lars Steinmetz is also at EMBL Heidelberg. } \author{W. Huber \email{huber@ebi.ac.uk}} \examples{ data("davidTiling") dim(exprs(davidTiling)) } \keyword{datasets}