\name{X} \alias{X} \docType{data} \title{ExpressionSet containing ChIP-chip data} \description{ Preprocessed ChIP-chexpression data from \emph{M. musculus} brain and heart cells. H3K4me3 ChIP and input samples were hybridized to a set of four custom NimbleGen microarrays with non-overlapping sets of 390k reporters each. The results were preprocessed per array type and the result fold changes were combinded via \code{rbind} afterwards, resulting in this ExpressionSet with 1.5m reporters. } \usage{data(X)} \format{ Preprocessed ChIP-chip data as an \code{ExpressionSet} with 1495582 features, 2 samples. } \details{ This ExpressionSet is created in the vignette, but for purposes of speed and for computers with small RAM, we provide it as a data object here as well. } %\source{} \seealso{\code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet-class}}, \code{\link[Ringo]{preprocess}}} \examples{ data("X"); show(X); pData(X) } \keyword{datasets}