\name{hgu133a.spikein.xhyb} \docType{instance} \alias{hgu133a.spikein.xhyb} \title{Cross hybridizers} \description{Probe Sets likely to crosshybridize to spiked-in probesets in the Affymetrix HGU133A spike in This objact is list. Each component of the list contains probeset names of possible crosshybridizers. The sequences of each spiked-in clone were collected and blasted against all HG-U133A target sequences. Target sequences are the ~600bp regions from which probes were selected. Thresholds of 100, 150 and 200bp were used and define the three components of the list. } \usage{data(hgu133a.spikein.xhyb)} \format{A list} \source{Simon Cawley \verb++} \keyword{datasets}