
pdfauthor={David Clayton},
pdftitle={Imputed SNP analyses with snpMatrix}]

\title{Imputed SNP analyses and meta-analysis with snpMatrix}
\author{David Clayton}

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%\VignetteIndexEntry{Imputation and meta-analysis}


% R code as

\section*{Getting started}
The need for imputation in SNP analysis studies occurs when we have a
smaller set of samples in which a large number of SNPs have been
typed, and a larger set of samples typed in only a subset of the
SNPs. We use the smaller, complete dataset (which will be termed the
{\em training dataset}) to impute the missing SNPs in the larger,
incomplete dataset (the {\em target dataset}). Examples of such applications 
\item use of HapMap data to impute association tests for a large
  number of SNPs, given data from genome-wide studies using, for
  example, a 500K SNP array, and
\item meta-analyses which seek to combine results from two platforms
  such as the Affymetrix 500K and Illumina 550K platforms.
Here we will not use a real example such as the above to explore the
use of {\tt snpMatrix} for imputation, 
but generate a fictitious example using the
data analysed in earlier exercises. This is particularly artificial in
that we have seen that these data suffer from extreme heterogeneity of 
population structure. 

We start by attaching the required libraries and accessing the data
used in the exercises:


Next we select alternate SNPs to be potentially missing or present 
in the target dataset:

sel <- seq(1, ncol(snps.10),2) 
missing <- snps.10[,sel]
present <- snps.10[,-sel] 

We also need to know where the SNPs are on the chromosome in order to
avoid having to search the entire chromosome for suitable predictors
of a missing SNP:

pos.miss <- snp.support$position[sel]
pos.pres <- snp.support$position[-sel]

\section*{Calculating the imputation rules}

The next step is to calculate a set of regression equations which
provide rules for imputing the {\tt missing} SNPs from the {\tt
  present} SNPs. This is carried out by the function {\tt snp.imputation}:

rules <- snp.imputation(present, missing, pos.pres, pos.miss)

This took a short while. But the wait was really quite short when we
consider what the function has done. For each of the 14,251 SNPs in
the ``missing'' set, the function has performed a forward step-wise
regression on the 50 nearest SNPs in the ``present'' set, stopping each
search either when the $R^2$ for prediction exceeds 0.9 or after
including 4 SNPs in the regression. The figures 50, 0.9 and 4 in the
previous sentence are the default values of the function arguments {\tt try},
{\tt r2.stop}, and {\tt max.X}. Each element of {\tt rules} contains a
regression equation  together with the $R^2$ achieved:


A summary table of all the 14,251 regression equations is generated by 


Columns represent the number of SNPs in the regression and rows
represent grouping on $R^2$. The first column (headed {\tt 0})
represents SNPs which were monomorphic in the sample. The same
information may be displayed graphically by


\section*{Carrying out the association tests}

The association tests for imputed SNPs can be carried out using the
function {\tt single.snp.tests}. 

imp <- single.snp.tests(cc, stratum, data=subject.support,
                        snp.data=present, rules=rules)

Using the observed data in the matrix {\tt present} and the set of
imputation rules stored in {\tt rules}, the above
command  imputes each of the imputed SNPs, carries out 1- and 2-df
single tests for association,  returns the results in the object {\tt
  imp}. To see how successful imputation has been, we can carry out
the same tests using the {\em true} data in {\tt missing}:

obs <- single.snp.tests(cc, stratum, data=subject.support, snp.data=missing)

The next commands extract the $p$-values for the 1-df tests, using both
the  imputed and the true ``missing'' data, and plot one against the
other (using the {\tt hexbin} plotting package for clarity):

logP.imp <- -log10(p.value(imp, df=1))
logP.obs <- -log10(p.value(obs, df=1))
hb <- hexbin(logP.obs, logP.imp, xbin=50)
sp <- plot(hb)
hexVP.abline(sp$plot.vp, 0, 1, col="black")

As might be expected, the agreement is rather better if we only
compare the results for SNPs that can be computed with high $R^2$. The
$R^2$ value is extracted from the {\tt rules} object, using the
function {\tt imputation.r2} and used to select a subset of rules:

use <- imputation.r2(rules)>0.9
hb <- hexbin(logP.obs[use], logP.imp[use], xbin=50)
sp <- plot(hb)
hexVP.abline(sp$plot.vp, 0, 1, col="black")

Similarly, the function {\tt imputation.maf} can be used to extract
the minor allele frequencies of the imputed SNP from the {\tt rules}
object. Note that there is a tendency for SNPs with a high minor allele
frequency to be imputed rather more successfully:

hb <- hexbin(imputation.maf(rules), imputation.r2(rules), xbin=50)
sp <- plot(hb)

The function {\tt snp.rhs.glm} also allows testing imputed SNPs. In
its simplest form, it can be used to calculate essentially the same
tests as carried out with 
{\tt single.snp.tests}\footnote{There is a small discrepancy, of the 
  order of $(N-1):N$}
(although, being a more flexible function, this will run
  somewhat slower). The next commands recalculate the 1 df tests for
  the imputed SNPs using {\tt snp.rhs.tests}, and plot the results
  against those obtained when values are observed.
imp2 <- snp.rhs.tests(cc~strata(stratum), family="binomial", 
                      data=subject.support, snp.data=present, rules=rules)
logP.imp2 <- -log10(p.value(imp2))
hb <- hexbin(logP.obs, logP.imp2, xbin=50)
sp <- plot(hb)
hexVP.abline(sp$plot.vp, 0, 1, col="black")

As stated at the beginning of this document, one of the main reasons
that we need imputation is to perform meta-analyses which bring
together data from genome-wide studies which use different platforms. 
The {\tt snpMatrix} package includes a number of tools to facilitate
this. All the tests implemented in {\tt snpMatrix} are ``score''
tests. In the 1 df case we calculate a score defined by 
the first derivative of the log
likelihood function with respect to the association parameter of
interest at the parameter value corresponding to the null hypothesis
of no association. Denote this by $U$. We also calculate an estimate
of its variance,  also under the null hypothesis --- $V$ say. Then
$U^2/V$ provides the chi-squared test on 1~df. This procedure extends
easily to meta-analysis; given two independent studies of the same
hypothesis, we simply add together to two values of $U$ and the two
values of $V$, and then calculate $U^2/V$ as before. These ideas also
extend naturally to tests of several parameters (2 or more df tests)

In {\tt snpMatrix}, the statistical testing functions can be
called with the option {\tt score=TRUE}, causing an extended object to
be saved. The extended object contains the $U$ and $V$ values, thus
allowing later combination of the evidence from different
studies. We shall first see what sort of object we have calculated using {\tt
  single.snp.tests} {\em without} the {\tt score=TRUE} argument.
We'll now recalculate these objects, saving the score information
obs <- single.snp.tests(cc, stratum, data=subject.support, snp.data=missing, 
imp <- single.snp.tests(cc, stratum, data=subject.support,
                        snp.data=present, rules=rules, score=TRUE)
You will see that extended objects have been returned. These extended
objects behave in the same way as the original objects, so that the
same functions can be used to extract chi-squared values, $p$-values
etc., but several additional functions, or methods, are now
available. Chief amongst these is {\tt pool}, which combines evidence
across independent studies as described at the beginning of this
section. Although {\tt obs} and {\tt imp} are {\em not} from
independent studies, so that the resulting test would not be valid, we
can use them to demonstrate this:
both <- pool(obs, imp)
Note that if we wished at some later stage to combine the
results in {\tt both} with a further study, we would also need to
specify {\tt score=TRUE} in the call to {\tt pool}:
both <- pool(obs, imp, score=TRUE)

Another reason to save the score statistics is that this allows us to
investigate the {\em direction} of findings. These can be extracted
from the extended objects using the function {\tt effect.sign}. For
example, this command tabulates the signs of the associations in {\tt obs}:
Reversal of sign can be the explanation of a puzzling phenomenon when
two studies give significant results individually, but no significant
association when pooled. Although it is not impossible that such
results are genuine, a more usual explanation is that the two alleles
have been differently coded in the two studies: allele~1 in the first
study is allele~2 in the second study and vice versa. To allow for
this {\tt snpMatrix} provides the {\tt switch.alleles} function, which
reverses the coding of specified SNPs. It can be applied to {\tt
  snp.matrix} objects but, because allele switches are often
discovered quite late on in the analysis and recoding the original
data matrices could have unforeseen consequences, the {\tt
  switch.alleles} function can also be applied to the extended test
output objects. This modifies the saved scores {\em as if} the allele
coding had been switched in the original data. The use of this is
demonstrated below.
sw.obs <- switch.alleles(obs, c("rs12773042", "rs10904596"))